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Why is Denise Richards such a big fan of the rock band Prettygood?

Denise, a fairly average-looking Prettygood fan, was found trapped in a heating duct while trying to sneak into a sold out show in Ogden, UT.

She was saved when Tim tried to climbed up on the pipes during a rousing, shirtless version of 'Kill The Adults" and pulled the system free of its brackets.

Denise's body tumbled free and into the mosh pit. After Steve ran his guitar strap under Ms. Richard's nose, she was revived and escorted to the bar, where she graciously bought the band a round of Jello™ shots.

But there's more to this power pop band than just life-and-death celebrity encounters.
Prettygood is bunch of folks from Minneapolis with very little musical history who came out of nowhere.

Vague and shifty bios aside, the group describes themselves as a "jangly power pop band with a taste for stop and start dynamics." Whatever the hell that means.

Their first full-length album, "Philadelphia Locker Room Peephole" is due out in April and is for sale on

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Leave A Message For Prettygood

Pictures of Heidi Klum are better than pictures of sweaty, nearing-middle-age rockers.
If you don't think so, email the band and we shall discuss your worldview further.
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